Broken lollipops | China
Traffickers destroy not only children, but thousands of families.
Traffickers destroy not only children, but thousands of families.
Regardless of when or how a victim of human trafficking falls into the clutches of their abusers, they each are caught in a seemingly endless exchange of hands.
Human trafficking is most commonly trafficked for sexual slavery, forced labor (labor exploitation) or sexual exploitation for traffickers or others. Those who do this trade get rich this way. This poster draws attention to this situation.
Every year thousands of women are forced to move to other countries against their will, where they are exploited and sold as objects. My poster represents those women, forced to travel and hidden from society.
Based on the song “Shadows After Dark”,the role play shadow shapes with hands on the wall was my inspiration to create awareness that people sometimes is not that looks like.
It’s look normal and wealth but could be a threat.
This piece seeks to bring awareness to the plight of victims of human trafficking by providing a call to action for the community. The slogan “Cut it Off’ is the result of research surrounding the routes by which victims are trafficked and the communities they come from. The imagery of a breaking chain is culturally synonymous with freedom where I come from. Choosing to integrate the hand-print symbolism of the Stop Human Trafficking campaign shows the viewer a clear path towards accomplishing the call to action: “Cut It Off”.
TUYA-STOP TRAFFICKING; Use graphic language to warn humans to stop human trafficking.
I showed on my poster that human trafficking is ignored
TUYA-PEOPLE ARENOT COMMODITIES:With the transformation of letters, from people to pop.