crocodile | Hungary
I would like to make a happy and colorful poster, because the reggae is happy and colorful for me. My central motif is a crocodile with the instrument of it.
I would like to make a happy and colorful poster, because the reggae is happy and colorful for me. My central motif is a crocodile with the instrument of it.
This poster shows us that reggae is another form of love. Using reggae-identical colour pallete and pattern transformation, it
shows us reggae is nothing but peace itself.
With the Sound-systems power I would like to send a message of Love and Unity that sounds from Jamaica to the world.
This poster is talking about the brotherhood, as a message that the jamaican music sing. The world is one and the humanity must be a big brotherhood, whithout differences or racism.
in this poster, I try to display Reggae’s protesting tools is music. protest heard through music.
Reggae has spread to many countries across the world that all age can enjoy . Reggae’s music do not restrict in time , In fact listening to rhythm has become a pleasant habit for everyone.