Snake | China

Human traffickers all over the world are selling women, children, men all over the world. They are like greedy snakes in pursuit of financial gains, constantly devouring innocent people, causing unimaginable harm to them and their families.

Barbie sex doll | China

Traffickers around the world kidnap and trade women and children, use violence against them and hold them captive. These women and children are constantly traded, forced into prostitution and labor, causing great physical and mental persecution. They are like Barbie dolls in the hands of the buyer, who can only be manipulated and destroyed.

Profits | Malaysia

The design concept is inspired by a dollar sign (“$”). According to global statistics, human trafficking is one of the most profitable criminal activities in the world. The poster shows a girl locked to the alphabet of “S”, to create a look of the dollar sign (“$”). Women represent the victims, and “S” stands for sale, slave, and sexual exploitation. Humans are not products, don’t violate human rights to make a profit.