Rebirth | China

The chair symbolizes what traps children and make them want to escape from, and the red ropes are broken showing that the whole thing can be changed by us. The end of the ropes illustrate hands, which means stopping trafficking needs help from the public. We can help, and they can have a different life.

Dangerous Words | Italy

The poster illustrates the hand of a person trying to reach the freedom that had been stolen from them. This hand is taken aback from a rope that forms the word “words”, which symbolizes those cursed words, but that feel hopeful, said to recruit the victim.
On the bottom left of the poster I used a phrase that was written on the brief to give more information about the topic.
I wanted to focus on the the way that the victims could get recruited for human trafficking, to bring awareness that trust is not always a good thing in this world and the consequences it could bring.

broken | China

In the impression that balloons are a symbol of people’s innocence and happiness,
the human trafficking movement has destroyed countless beautiful families and destroyed the meaning of balloons.
Broken balloons represent broken families in the trafficking movement.

OURS | Turkey

Today, human trafficking is a cruelty that should be ashamed of humanity. It is necessary to raise awareness about this persecution. While you are looking at this poster today, about 2 more people fell victim to human trafficking. Hope this poster will be a voice for all the victims whose lives have lived in captivity.

YOU ARE WORTHY | Indonesia

You are WORTHY, regardless of your past. Maybe you are a victim, or maybe an acquaintance of yours is a victim of human trafficking. But one thing you must always remember: you remain precious.

Just like a lotus flower symbolizes rebirth, you can have a second chance. You deserve to live your future like everyone else, or even better!

Reborn and be like a gold. Doesn’t matter if the gold is placed in a jewelry shop or has been thrown into the trash bin, gold will never lose its value, just like you. You are WORTHY.

Lost Childhood | Bangladesh

The act of human trafficking violates the fundamental human rights that an individual possesses by robbing victims of their home, culture and childhood moving them to unknown land and putting them through abuse and trauma. Children who were supposed to grow up playing with friends and engaging in their native culture are robbed of any such opportunity.So we have to strive to raise awareness among those who are vulnerable in order to minimize the cases of human trafficking.