The International Reggae Poster Contest would like to thank all those involved in making our 2014 IRPC / Live Unchained exhibition at the Embassy of Jamaica in Washington D.C. such a wonderful success.
All the proceeds received in excess of expenses helped to support the Alpha Boys’ School in Kingston, Jamaica. This year through the Washington D.C. exhibition and Tania’s Dwyer, successful, fundraising Alpha Party in Australia, we were able to provide cash donations of $4,800 to the historic Alpha Boys’ School music program.
Special thanks to Ambassador Stephen Vasciannie, and the embassy staff for the venue and much-appreciated assistance with the event. Special thanks to Kathryn Buford, of Live Unchained for collaborating with us and organizing this successful exhibition. Big thanks to MC Lodi Matsetela who officiated the evening’s silent auction. To all our IRPC Washingtonian ambassadors for assisting in the auction and to help mobilize interest and support through their social media platforms. Big thanks to Patricia Chin and VP Records for sponsoring the exhibition and our charity. One love Barry Lester, of “The B Spot Gallery” in DC, for the professional advice and his generous support with framing. Thanks to Rankin Johnny and his THC Soundsystem and Selektah apparel from Athens, Greece for their generous selection of vinyls and merchandise for Alpha Boys’ School fund raising.
We wish to recognize the more than 100 artists and designers globally who created such fine array of poster art and to all the supporters of the arts who patronized our initiatives and our worldwide events.
Michael Thompson
Maria Papaefstathiou
IRPC Founders