I used modular design approach to focus on the global issues that are expressed in Reggae. The design is divided into parts which showcase Reggae music and Jamaican culture along with elements that address problems ranging from poverty and health to climate change by referring to sustainable development goals (SDG). Together, all these parts create holistic pattern which stands for the role of music as a mobilizing force in the international attitude towards solving humankind problems and making sustainable development earn the world’s attention. This pattern also portrays a flag which stripes are going up to the right corner symbolizing growth. I also decided to merge Reggae-related elements with contemporary design to represent this genre as one which has vibrant history and is up to date at the same time. You can decipher parts of the poster into elements like vinyl records, palms, Jamaican flag and a boom box. A slightly different tints of traditional red, green and yellow colors were chosen to add freshness. I wanted to express how the fusion of visual art with the deep sense of Reggae music and the vibe of Jamaican culture can make this world better by informing people about the SDGs.